My name is Larry and for quite a while, I’ve been playing hockey. I started playing around 2000, and I’ve been playing against others since about 2006. I look at myself and see the ups and downs of my career, and think that I really wish I had documented it a little bit better. That’s why I started this blog. I’ve thought about starting a blog for a while for that very reason. So from now on, I’ll try and write a review of each time I play. What my thoughts are on equipment, and pretty much anything related to my experiences playing.
Now remember that I don’t consider myself talented by any means. I’ll make note of that over and over. I appreciate any constructive criticism, advice or questions. That is another objective of me starting this. Do I keep talking about how I have a hard time getting my shot off? Well maybe you’ve got some advice. Perhaps I have discovered something that you haven’t. Ask away, read away.
So for the beginning of this, there will be all kinds of posts like my history, and the type of equipment I’m using.
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